Why publish a fantasy book on Kickstarter?
Candice Yamnitz
July 6, 2024

Why publish a fantasy book on Kickstarter?

I'm publishing my next full length YA fantasy novel using Kickstarter. Here's why you may or may not want to follow in my tracks. I…

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Ruthless Releases March 14, 2024
Candice Yamnitz
March 13, 2024

Ruthless Releases March 14, 2024

Ruthless is the prequel to Unbetrothed; it's Beatriz's mom's story. I wrote Ruthless to form the backstory and got caught up in the adventure. This…

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Writing Chapter One
Candice Yamnitz
June 8, 2021

Writing Chapter One

Start the story where your main character’s life changes. This change should set them on a journey. They were going along life and BAM chapter…

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Writing Prompt of the Day
Candice Yamnitz
May 26, 2021

Writing Prompt of the Day

Today was one of those days. The type of day where you get waken up an hour earlier and coffee just won't do it. Here's…

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What Helped Me Get Started Writing
Candice Yamnitz
May 23, 2021

What Helped Me Get Started Writing

I made space in my schedule for writing. Start by setting aside an hour every week day for writing. I didn’t write a whole hour…

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How to Help Your Child in Creative Writing
Candice Yamnitz
May 18, 2021

How to Help Your Child in Creative Writing

Does your child like to write? Has your child written a long piece and gone over it many times already? Let me help you direct…

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Master Querying a Literary Agent with These Tips
Candice Yamnitz
January 25, 2021

Master Querying a Literary Agent with These Tips

Have you ever been in the query trenches before? If you have, you know why people call them the trenches. It's agonizing waiting. Rejections become…

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