Have you ever been in the query trenches before? If you have, you know why people call them the trenches. It’s agonizing waiting. Rejections become your best friend. Well, at least, they became my best friend because I didn’t know what being ready to query looked like. 

Here are some tips to save you time and energy:

Tip 1: Write an amazing manuscript! Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Checkmark! Okay but really, getting many eyes on your story and editing it a few time will help. Your November Nano project will take many edits before being ready for querying.

Tip 2: Write your query from many selling angles. Your query is an advertisement. It is like a movie preview. Therefore, chop it down the the barebones. Your character + main problem+ a dash of setting + stakes= the first paragraph or two of your query. 

Tip 3: Know the market. What makes your manuscript stand out? The winning query will have this in mind. 

Tip 4: Understand querying responses. No responses and canned responses mean (a) you story isn’t marketable (b) it’s your writing (c) your querying the wrong agents (do your research on what the agents like).

Tip 5: Write fast paced first pages. Every sentence should pull the reader deeper into your story. Your character should make the reader want to know more. Your voice should be distinct.

Tip 6: Spreadsheets are your best friend. You will not remember who you queried and each of their unique response times. Some agents will say that the answer is no after said time while other could be nudged after a set time. 

Tip 7: In the waiting, write something new. This will prevent you or stop the constant refreshing of your email. Thank you!

Best wishes!

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Candice Yamnitz

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Candice Yamnitz

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