- Books are better than movies.
- Anyone can improve in reading.
- Anyone can improve in writing.

Dive into new adventures with me. Finding new books and writing them are my passion. You’re invited to read with me and join me in my publishing adventure.
My name is Candice Pedraza Yamnitz. I’m a writer and a teacher. I taught for 7 years in public schools. Now, I’ve been tutoring students, writing blogs, speaking at schools, teaching creative writing classes, putting together a magazine, reading every book I can get my hands on, writing YA, and teaching my own children. Woo…I’m tired just thinking about it and excited about where God is leading.
Years ago, I decided to submit a proposal to ghostwrite a client’s book series. Guess what? I got it. That flung me in the writing world. I loved it except I wanted to write my own stuff. So, I joined the ACFW to improve my writing.
After writing multiple manuscripts, a plethora of short stories, failing contests, being a finalist in contests, receiving rejection letters, signing with an agent and signing with a publishing house, I learned a few things.
I know. It happened to me and it can happen to you.
My debut novel, Unbetrothed, released 2022 with Illuminate YA. My first chapter book released May 2023.